
blood tests and all sorts of other tests and probes, Finally I was shown into the presence of the glandular specialist, who informed me that nothing organically wrong had been found but it seemed my glands had stopped producing any male hormones and were now producing only female hor- mones. He said this could be corrected by injections but he could not say if they would be completely effective nor for how long they would be necessary. In any case I could please myself whether or not I had treatment but if I refused he thought I would become almost completely female in appearance. He also explained he had recently been instructed by the Health Authorities to report im- mediately to them full details of any cases of sterility or impotence and as I was both, my case had been re- ported, and they had requested I allow a team of Air Force doctors to examine me. I replied that I was relieved to hear nothing organically wrong had been found, would definitely refuse any corrective treatment since I was quite happy with my femininity and looked forward with pleasure to it's increase, but I wanted to know what had happened to me, why the Air Force were interested and unless I was taken completely into their confidence would refuse any further examination. A week passed before I received a letter saying my terms had been agreed to and could I attend at the hospital again on the following Mon- day, during this week I noticed my bust development was becoming much more prominent, I would soon have to wea a bra all the time, not from desire but necessity. I was also keeping Mrs. Briggs fully informed as she planned to postpone any decision until I knew the full facts of my case and whether..I would be able to run the estate as she originally planned.

The Service doctors gave me exactly the same set of tests but were much more thorough than the civilian ones and when they had finished I was shown into the same consulting room but this time there were four specialists instead of one. First of all they wanted me to give a written undertaking that everything they told me be treate in the strictest confidence for the time being, or at least. until they gave me permission to speak, this I refused to do explaining my position in relation to Mrs. Briggs and how she was holding up her plans until I knew all the facts after consultation they agreed that if I signed one of them would visit her the next day and put her in the picture